Well-Known Member
- Jul 2, 2018
- #81
the homepage ist not reachable today. Can you fix it soon? I am very curios.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 2, 2018
- #82
Same here, waiting for news
- Jul 2, 2018
- #83
salandrine said:
the homepage ist not reachable today. Can you fix it soon? I am very curios.
Working fine for me.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 2, 2018
- #84
now its working. thx
- Jul 17, 2018
- #85
Elrondriel said:
Absolutely not amused about this site, as it grabs player and city information, exports it outside of Inno servers and doesnt't even ask for player's permission to do so. I hope it gets shut down ASAP ! Seriously !
Ya know? I'm not wild about player info being available to anyone who types in a name. Passwords are a MUST until there's something better. Players can share their passwords with Amage of FS or something. NOT OKAY THAT IT'S SO OPEN! This is a problem.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 17, 2018
- #86
Valtitude said:
Ya know? I'm not wild about player info being available to anyone who types in a name. Passwords are a MUST until there's something better. Players can share their passwords with Amage of FS or something. NOT OKAY THAT IT'S SO OPEN! This is a problem.
Yeah....I don't think you understand how the site works.
You can get 100% of the same information by simply logging in yourself and visiting a city/checking rankings.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 17, 2018
- #87
The info available there is the same info that "anyone who types in a name" inside game itself can get. The only difference - it has history. But anyone who is interested in such history can make it themselves too. Elvenstats just saves time for them.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 17, 2018
- #88
Valtitude said:
Players can share their passwords with Amage of FS or something.
No, you're wrong. Game rules are clear:
§3 Account sharing
• Players must keep their own login data, passwords and access data secret. Disclosing your password to other players is strictly prohibited.
• As a player, you can only play your own account. Accessing another player’s account is strictly prohibited.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 17, 2018
- #89
@PrimroseSylvia I believe @Valtitude was suggesting that Elvenstats should be password protected, which of course would make the site 99% useless.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 17, 2018
- #90
Hope really not. I adore ElvenStats, I find it very useful.
- Jul 17, 2018
- #91
Down again ???
- Jul 19, 2018
- #92
PrimroseSylvia said:
No, you're wrong. Game rules are clear:
§3 Account sharing
• Players must keep their own login data, passwords and access data secret. Disclosing your password to other players is strictly prohibited.
• As a player, you can only play your own account. Accessing another player’s account is strictly prohibited.
Okay, so the Mages or Amage have their own passwords.for their own fellowship players.
Google Sheets has to be manually updated which is a hassle, but the security is better.
So, players should be able to ask to have their info removed from this 3rd party site, yes?
- Jul 19, 2018
- #93
SoggyShorts said:
The only information on the site is that which you get from visiting a player's city, and checking the rankings tab.
There is no personal data whatsoever anywhere on the site.Players have asked for an easy way to
- see their fellows boosts
- import their city to elvenarchitect
- see FS rank for tournaments
- track tournament progress
- track score progress
- calculate goods productions, supplies etc
Which one of those are you objecting to?
I don't like my information about ANYTHING being posted online without my expressed approval.
Including my Elvenar stats.
Don't argue. Been around the block more than once. Computer and cyber security savvy.
STOP posting my Elvenar stats without my approval. Get my approval, you can post my info to my Fellowship(s) only.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 19, 2018
- #94
And stop visiting your city ingame / stop seeing you in ingame ranking without your approval?
That's not your personal data, it's already public.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 20, 2018
- #95
Valtitude said:
Don't argue. Been around the block more than once. Computer and cyber security savvy.
Valtitude said:
So, players should be able to ask to have their info removed from this 3rd party site, yes?
Well if you're so knowledgeable, you should
1. Know the difference between sharing personal information and publicly available data.
2. Read the privacy policy on the site which has a clear link for your data to be blocked if you wish.
Obviously your ranking points, tournament points, production estimates, boosts, etc will all be removed from your fellowship's stats (which will drop their ranking) as well since they will not make a special password access only just for you, it will simply be as if you don't exist.
And naturally you will not be able to import your city into Elvenarchitect for design purposes.
Loki Blue
Well-Known Member
- Jul 20, 2018
- #96
SoggyShorts said:
And naturally you will not be able to import your city into Elvenarchitect for design purposes.
With due respect, Soggy, not everyone uses that tool. I think Elvenarchitect is great, and I frequently point folks in need of help in that direction, but I personally don't use it. I understand too that ElvenStats is a valuable tool for Mages and Archmages to use to build the best Fellowship that they can... but if I'm not applying to someone's Fellowship, they really don't need to see my stuff. And I can't imagine anyone being bored enough to sit and watch my tournament activity (or lack thereof as the case usually is), or my production fluctuate throughout any given week. I'm interesting, but not that interesting.
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Well-Known Member
- Jul 20, 2018
- #97
Loki Blue said:
if I'm not applying to someone's Fellowship, they really don't need to see my stuff. And I can't imagine anyone being bored enough to sit and watch my tournament activity (or lack thereof as the case usually is), or my production fluctuate throughout any given week. I'm interesting, but not that interesting.
Exactly. If you aren't applying to a FS, or asking for help on the forums, then no one is looking at you, so there is no harm in your info being there.
- Jul 20, 2018
- #98
PrimroseSylvia said:
No, you're wrong. Game rules are clear:
§3 Account sharing
• Players must keep their own login data, passwords and access data secret. Disclosing your password to other players is strictly prohibited.
• As a player, you can only play your own account. Accessing another player’s account is strictly prohibited.
Elvenstats is NOT part of Inno Games.
- Jul 20, 2018
- #99
SoggyShorts said:
Well if you're so knowledgeable, you should
1. Know the difference between sharing personal information and publicly available data.
2. Read the privacy policy on the site which has a clear link for your data to be blocked if you wish.
Obviously your ranking points, tournament points, production estimates, boosts, etc will all be removed from your fellowship's stats (which will drop their ranking) as well since they will not make a special password access only just for you, it will simply be as if you don't exist.
And naturally you will not be able to import your city into Elvenarchitect for design purposes.
SoggyShorts - Please know - I understand what a terrific job you've done with the site Elvenstats. It gives players, Mages and Archmages information at their fingertips that many have craved since Elvenar opened it's servers. You've done a beautiful job!
My problem with the site, is that this information has been collected and published online without my authorization. Technically, idk who exactly "owns" this information Inno Games? Players? Elvenstats? But based on what's happening on other social sites online, I'm guessing use or publishing of player information needs to be authorized by players.
I won't say, "it should be an easy fix". Software development is as much art as it is science.
Zero personal offense meant to you or anyone else who's worked on Elvenstats. Again, I can appreciate the hard work you've all done.
Please respect that I want control over my information online - yes, even in Elvenar or on a site using information from Inno Games/ Elvenar.
Well-Known Member
- Jul 20, 2018
- #100
Valtitude said:
My problem with the site, is that this information has been collected and published online without my authorization.
By simply existing, your city info is already online.
Please try to understand that Elvenstats does not have any information that isn't already there for everyone to see.
When I log in to my city and search the rankings, I can see your score.
This is not private or privileged information in any way.
When I log in to my city and visit your city, I can see your buildings.
This is not private or privileged information in any way.
BTW, it's not my site, I'm just a fan and was a beta tester for it ( I also made the demo video)
Valtitude said:
based on what's happening on other social sites online, I'm guessing use or publishing of player information needs to be authorized by players.
I think you need to stop watching the news. There is no data collection on Elvenstats, and this is not "publishing your information." Your IP address, email, passwords, name, age, sex, weight, height, job, location, etc are not known to the site at all. The site only knows what other players already know when they look at your city.
Valtitude said:
Please respect that I want control over my information online - yes, even in Elvenar or on a site using information from Inno Games/ Elvenar.
Again, I direct you to actually read the FAQ on the site, which includes an option to have your city info removed, which of course does nothing to "protect you" since 100% of the info is still available to anyone who visits your city in the game.
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