Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (2024)

Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (2)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (3)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (4)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (5)

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09-04-2022, 12:04 AM

Well, I didn't want to have to make this thread, but it just needs to be done I guess. For a lot of the older folks who watch over things, this is no news to you. It's also no news to you that I can have strong opinions, and I'm about to make some nuclear takes on some people whom I now believe are deep-rooted at the heart of some of our issues.

So we all know (and love?) the idea behind the Zeta principals, here they are again for anyone in the back who missed them.

Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (6)

As you can see, these are simple, straight to the point sexual ethics that we should follow as Zoos (even the more Bestial of us). I now have reason to believe, after a few weeks of more involvement and not just posting the podcast, that ZooVille violates virtually, if not every principal on this list, and that we're merely seeing the return of BeastForum under differing leadership.

I had recently mentioned my project for the cleanup, historical event recognition, and safety of the Zoo community there. Not surprisingly I was met with an unbelievable amount of vitriol. Including people saying I was 'sucking ZTHorses dick', 'Proclaiming to be the next Zoo savior', 'I'm a nobody', I should 'shut my sh*tflap' etc, etc...

Okay, I can handle criticism, but when asked why they felt this way it only grew worse, giving me the suspicion this person was an exploiter, Zoosad*st, or some kind of abuser. When I told said individual I don't tolerate abusers, and would report him to the staff or elsewhere, I was temp-banned for it. Then upon return I noticed more vitriol on the profile page of ZV for the account there. I asked the two individuals (UR2OZ and 'RexAndMe') what their issue was, and was met again with a ban, after telling them I would not tolerate their abuse, and that an episode was up and coming due to this fiasco.

In the process, I've since learned that ZV is taking crypto donations for the site, and are supposedly releasing a balance sheet, but they aren't a registered organization (obviously), so this I don't trust. I also saw a guide by ZTHorse describing how people can monetize their own content, sound familiar? I have also seen many cases in the 'personal ads' section of expected performance of animals regarding sexual acts, and of course both of these violate a large majority of the Zeta Principals. I'm also to believe the forum is now potentially harboring Zoosad*sts, or at least low-level abusers, I need to do more digging to prove or disprove this one fully, but something definitely doesn't feel right.

I have personally seen principal 1 violated in some of the p*rn on ZV, same with principal 2. Principal 3 has been violated in much the same vein, namely in the p*rn, but also in the hookup section / 'personal ads'. Even in my state, it's unbelievable how many fetish-seekers are involved.

The fact that there's a section called 'bestial*ty as a Fetish' directly violates point 4, as well as the numerous glorifications of Bestial acts on the site, and of course, as a Fetish. Many a commercial p*rn video are still traded there, even the ones involving abused or neglected dogs like Tyson (yes, I have an older Zoo friend who told me his sad story).

Virtually every p*rn section, and of course the front page of the site break point 5.

Points 6 and 7 are violated by ZT's guide on monetizing one's bestial*ty, but how? Simple, demand. As demand for more and more exotic content rises, and payments increase for 'rare' things, or even abusive things: you directly support and promote abuse. The reason being is someone is going to take the next step when money is involved, and we already know sex sells.

I know this is long, and a bit ranty, but I wanted to say something. ZTHorse is going to have a hard time justifying this, to me or anyone else. Including why he allows abusive people to run rampant on his forum because they 'just post in the dumpster fire' sections of the forum.

- SHAME on you ZThorse, and SHAME on your mods, for promoting ALL of the wrong behavior in the community. Out of all of the mods, I had ONE who supported my stance against abuse, and that the forum in directly contributing to the abuse of people and animals alike.

If you are new to this, found this forum, stay here. Or, check out Do not support ZooVille, their staff, or mods.

IMHO, it's just the horrid Phoenix of Beastforum, same sh*t, different leadership.


Fur-tastic Member
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (8)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (9)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (10)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (11)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (12)

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09-04-2022, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2022, 01:05 PM by heavyhorse.)

Well surprise surprise.

I'm surprised that it took you this long to figure this out. Since most of the staff there are the same people from BF, some of them convicted pedophiles described on Google as "the worst zoo of all", some going back to making videos of them hanging dogs, gutting them alive, raping puppies to death, back in the days before the formal forums. I discovered years ago that (in my naivety) bringing this up in PM to admin as if the admin wasn't aware, would get you read the riot act and banned.

So color me SHOCKED! Shocked I tell you! Shocked and appalled!

Um, OK yeah....


Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (14)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (15)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (16)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (17)

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40 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Well surprise surprise.

I'm surprised that it took you this long to figure this out. Since most of the staff there are the same people from BF, some of them convicted pedophiles described on Google as "the worst zoo of all", some going back to making videos of them hanging dogs, gutting them alive, raping puppies to death, back in the days before the formal forums. I discovered years ago that (in my naivety) bringing this up in PM to admin as if the admin wasn't aware, would get you read the riot act and banned.

So color me SHOCKED! Shocked I tell you! Shocked and appalled!

Um, OK yeah....

That's fair enough my friend. I suspected ALL of this, but foolishly gave them the benefit of the doubt here. I wrote this up just as affirmation of my perceptions really, and to hopefully keep fresh (and hopefully level-headed) blood here. They really confirmed my theories and the lot on the forum, and especially the 'Phoenix of BF' arc.

I suspect that's also why they fear my, and other Zoos' effort who are onboard with my my schemes these days, they aren't going to like being seen for who they really are.


Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (19)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (20)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (21)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (22)

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09-04-2022, 07:03 PM

Off-topic, but thanks, WGW, for the mention of I took a look and am preparing to sign up.


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Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (24)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (25)

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09-04-2022, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2022, 09:30 PM by FloofyNewfie.)

I'm just going to skip over some things and dive directly into the meat of this post:

There are two sides to every story. The fact of the matter is that, without merit, you claimed that a couple of user on the forum were Zoo-sad*sts and "animal pimps." Now, were the two user in question being a bit of an asshole? Sure, and they didn't go without punishment for it. His postabout the past failures of zoo-movementsand past negative exposure in media outletson your thread was definitely terse. But that doesn't give you the right to go from 0 to 100 and call people zoo-sad*sts without a shred of evidence and make statements the elude to you threatening to dox people. For this, you were basically given a week ban, sort of a "time out" if you will. But what did you do? Instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on your actions, when your ban was up you pretty much picked up right where you left off from. Then made threats towards ZV and the admin of the site.

I've listened to some of your podcasts in the past, and normally you're a lot more grounded, less biased,and straight to the point when compared to Zooey Than Thou, which can get a bit silly, political,and in your face about "zoo-issues." Honestly, I expected better behavior out of you. I was actually quite disappointed in your action on the forum, which were downrightshameful. Yet, here you are, painting yourself as the "victim." No, you were NOT the victim here. False accusations of zoo-sadism canutterly destroy someone's reputation in the zoo-community. Throwing that accusation around is NOT something you want to do lightly, and the two users you have quoted on your post quite rightfully called you out on this utterly deplorable behavior. You, of all people, should have known better.

One of the users quoted, UR20Z, while definitely an asshole and unapologetic about it, has more than often demonstrated a LOT of knowledge when it comes to properly engaging in a zoophilic relationship with a non-human animals. Not only that, but when someone has uploaded abusive p*rn to the website his reports result in action dang near 100% of the time.

Just know that this was your own undoing. It was your actions on the forum that led to your ban.


Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (27)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (28)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (29)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (30)

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09-04-2022, 09:55 PM

2 hours ago, threelegs said:

Off-topic, but thanks, WGW, for the mention of I took a look and am preparing to sign up.

Sounds good, I'm not there yet. I think I will make an account there however. I had a 'brand account' for the podcast on ZooVille, but I tire of those types of accounts, too impersonal and formal. I'll likely use this name over there as well when I do make an account.

I'm on 'vacation' with a friend at my place right now, so it will be a while before I do anything serious.

15 minutes ago, FloofyNewfie said:

There are two sides to every story. The fact of the matter is that, without merit, you claimed that a couple of user on the forum were Zoo-sad*sts and "animal pimps." Now, were the two user in question being a bit of an asshole? Sure, and they didn't go without punishment for it. His postabout the past failures of zoo-movementsand past negative exposure in media outletson your thread was definitely terse. But that doesn't give you the right to go from 0 to 100 and call people zoo-sad*sts without a shred of evidence and make statements the elude to you threatening to dox people. For this, you were basically given a week ban, sort of a "time out" if you will. But what did you do? Instead of taking the opportunity to reflect on your actions, when your ban was up you pretty much picked up right where you left off from. Then made threats towards ZV and the admin of the site.

You should really consider looking at the past actions of some of these people, and perhaps not tolerate their behavior at all, as it is here. And FYI: I didn't say dox, I said use information. That could have been to report to the admins, authorities... by enabling these kinds of people due to MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction, Blackmail, etc..) you are supporting their poor tactics.

Take a look at this place, it's slower due to lack of p*rn right? But why is it the mods, and SW himself doesn't have these kinds of issues here? It's because he's playing a fair game all around. No abuse, either direction, no animal abuse or abusive content. I'm still going to make that video, BTW.

20 minutes ago, FloofyNewfie said:

I've listened to some of your podcasts in the past, and normally you're a lot more grounded, less biased,and straight to the point when compared to Zooey Than Thou, which can get a bit silly, political,and in your face about "zoo-issues." Honestly, I expected better behavior out of you. I was actually quite disappointed in your action on the forum, which were downrightshameful. Yet, here you are, painting yourself as the "victim." No, you were NOT the victim here. False accusations of zoo-sadism canutterly destroy someone's reputation in the zoo-community. Throwing that accusation around is NOT something you want to do lightly, and the two users you have quoted on your post quite rightfully called you out on this utterly deplorable behavior. You, of all people, should have known better.

I'm also a lot more tired Newf. Tired of BF and it's ilk, tired of people acting like abusers, BEING abusers, and I intend to do something about it. The 'accusations' were in a more questioning manner, and personal suspicions on as to why their behavior was so rampant. Perhaps question before taking a side. I don't know about you, but if someone is acting abusive to another person, for a mere suggestion, that says they may have something to hide... something dark.

23 minutes ago, FloofyNewfie said:

One of the users quoted, UR20Z, while definitely an asshole and unapologetic about it, has more than often demonstrated a LOT of knowledge when it comes to properly engaging in a zoophilic relationship with a non-human animals. Not only that, but when someone has uploaded abusive p*rn to the website his reports result in action dang near 100% of the time.

I don't buy that for a second, and secondly, why is someone like this allowed to take part? Why no repercussion for their behavior? Just because someone 'claims to know X or Y' doesn't mean they can walk all over someone else. I'm not of course, going to argue with you here. I'm merely saying first impressions matter. With me, you get one chance and that's it. Perhaps if your friend wanted painted in a better light, maybe tell them to work on their interaction skills, or get some therapy if they are struggling that badly.

26 minutes ago, FloofyNewfie said:

Just know that this was your own undoing. It was your actions on the forum that led to your ban.

Remember this doesn't mean 'permanently gone' first off, and secondly I have my connections. This isn't an 'undoing' as ZV isn't the center of the Zoo Universe, nor am I. Until we actually start manifesting something in the real world here, that's not just clandestine pandering of exploitation, we're all just assholes with opinions online.

Like said assholes too, our opinions all stink.

The latter of this post isn't to argue, or cause issues HERE. However I do question the motives of a lot of folks in the community these days. I'm also working with some people, older Zoos, to raise the standards of the community back up to some measurable level.

You don't have to like me, or continue interacting, that's YOUR choice.

I however, will not let this kind of crap stand anymore, especially promoted exploitation (monetized bestial*ty). Look how that went for BeastForum.


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Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (32)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (33)

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09-04-2022, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2022, 10:57 PM by FloofyNewfie.)

1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I'm also a lot more tired Newf. Tired of BF and it's ilk, tired of people acting like abusers, BEING abusers, and I intend to do something about it. The 'accusations' were in a more questioning manner, and personal suspicions on as to why their behavior was so rampant. Perhaps question before taking a side. I don't know about you, but if someone is acting abusive to another person, for a mere suggestion, that says they may have something to hide... something dark.

You and I both know that zoophiles (more often than not) tend to be misanthropic and introverted. UR20Z here, he's the embodiment of many people's "grumpy grandpa" even though he's stated that he's never had any kids. He's an old fart that's been in the zoo realm since the late 80s, he's blunt, and doesn't care about your feelings. Which is exactly why I'm not very close to him myself. But I've known plenty of zoosthat absolutely hates and despises humanity as a whole, yet, at the end of the day, absolutely love and cherish their animal partners. You were asked to put forth evidence about your accusatory"questions" or retract the statements. You said, and I quote, "Oh I will do no such thing." What he said was, again, terse... and a bit rude, but what he said did not, and I mean absolutely did not, indicate that he was a sad*st. Just someone who will gladly tell you about the past failures of "pro-zoo" movements. And again, they both didn't go unpunished for their part in this mess, but neither did you.

1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I don't buy that for a second, and secondly, why is someone like this allowed to take part? Why no repercussion for their behavior? Just because someone 'claims to know X or Y' doesn't mean they can walk all over someone else.

Oh no, I'm not going to exactly go over private details here. But let's say that both of the users quoted in your OP have faced repercussions in the past for such behavior. I joined ZV January 6th, 2020, was made a mod in November of that year, I've watched both of them grow in post count over the years. And, UR20Z... he definitely knows his stuff. While he maybe an asshole to people, he definitely knows the ins and outs of zoophilic relationships, animal health and wellbeing, and can more than identify when abuse (whether in the form of someone's post, or p*rn) is occurring and will call it out, in detail. Even if he's a very misanthropic farmer.

1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I however, will not let this kind of crap stand anymore, especially promoted exploitation (monetized bestial*ty). Look how that went for BeastForum.

Users are allowed to monetize their own content in the form of donations via crypto currency, yes. But ZV doesn't make any direct profit from them. Only indirect profit from foot-traffic on the website. BF, as I recall profited directly and indirectly off of content users uploaded, and users that uploaded content didn't see squat in the form of monetary gains. But I could be wrong about that. I stayed the hell off of BF, and mainly played around in ZoophilesForum. Heck, the reason I joined ZV in the first place was due to the fact that it had less of a BF feel, and more of a ZF feel.

1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

I'm still going to make that video, BTW.

And I'll likely watch it once it comes out. I'm sure it will garner a lot of attention, but I won't be surprised if your viewership drops a bit afterwards. I find it kind of funny that before this whole controversy I don't recall you stating anything negative about ZV. I could be wrong about that, of course. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that it was a great way for you to advertise your podcast?


Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (35)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (36)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (37)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (38)

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09-05-2022, 12:11 AM

1 hour ago, FloofyNewfie said:

You and I both know that zoophiles (more often than not) tend to be misanthropic and introverted. UR20Z here, he's the embodiment of many people's "grumpy grandpa" even though he's stated that he's never had any kids. He's an old fart that's been in the zoo realm since the late 80s, he's blunt, and doesn't care about your feelings. Which is exactly why I'm not very close to him myself. But I've known plenty of zoosthat absolutely hates and despises humanity as a whole, yet, at the end of the day, absolutely love and cherish their animal partners. You were asked to put forth evidence about your accusatory"questions" or retract the statements. You said, and I quote, "Oh I will do no such thing." What he said was, again, terse... and a bit rude, but what he said did not, and I mean absolutely did not, indicate that he was a sad*st. Just someone who will gladly tell you about the past failures of "pro-zoo" movements. And again, they both didn't go unpunished for their part in this mess, but neither did you.

Too bad, too sad I say. If he shows no respect or decency on first light, I don't either. Get what you give, and first impressions matter. I don't give a f*ck if he's the president, or been around since the Roman Days of bestial*ty. Makes no difference to me.

1 hour ago, FloofyNewfie said:

Oh no, I'm not going to exactly go over private details here. But let's say that both of the users quoted in your OP have faced repercussions in the past for such behavior. I joined ZV January 6th, 2020, was made a mod in November of that year, I've watched both of them grow in post count over the years. And, UR20Z... he definitely knows his stuff. While he maybe an asshole to people, he definitely knows the ins and outs of zoophilic relationships, animal health and wellbeing, and can more than identify when abuse (whether in the form of someone's post, or p*rn) is occurring and will call it out, in detail. Even if he's a very misanthropic farmer.

None of this has any merit to me, neither does your join date, mod status, or 'relation' with this individual. So I still don't buy it.

1 hour ago, FloofyNewfie said:

Users are allowed to monetize their own content in the form of donations via crypto currency, yes. But ZV doesn't make any direct profit from them. Only indirect profit from foot-traffic on the website. BF, as I recall profited directly and indirectly off of content users uploaded, and users that uploaded content didn't see squat in the form of monetary gains. But I could be wrong about that. I stayed the hell off of BF, and mainly played around in ZoophilesForum. Heck, the reason I joined ZV in the first place was due to the fact that it had less of a BF feel, and more of a ZF feel.

This is the SAME difference, and it makes no difference to me. I will not stand for this, point blank period. End of discussion.

1 hour ago, FloofyNewfie said:

And I'll likely watch it once it comes out. I'm sure it will garner a lot of attention, but I won't be surprised if your viewership drops a bit afterwards. I find it kind of funny that before this whole controversy I don't recall you stating anything negative about ZV. I could be wrong about that, of course. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that it was a great way for you to advertise your podcast?

So far, our analytics are doing well. Even on our controversial videos. I have ALWAYS held an on-the-fence stance, and even a more quiet negative stance on ZV, then again, as stated above I foolishly went along and just posted the pod there, I never really interacted, just lurked, watched, and listened from in the walls as it were. My impression of that forum has gone downhill the more I've listened. This, however, has given me the final push to actually make said video, call out things I see wrong, and the PEOPLE I see wrong. The ones who capitulate for pricks and abusers who want run of the entire community. The ones who seek to exploit others for financial gain as well.

As I told my friend this weekend, I'll use the 12 and 1200 analogy. I'd rather have 12 genuine followers / listeners / viewers who are level headed and want to make some positive change and discuss hard issues, than I would 1200 pretentious assholes promoting reckless behavior and brown-nosing for status and clout.


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Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (40)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (41)

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09-05-2022, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2022, 01:16 AM by ZTHorse.)

I appreciate <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/4662-floofynewfie/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="4662" href="<___base_url___>/profile/4662-floofynewfie/">@FloofyNewfie</a>giving our side of this story and <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/2315-wintergreenwolf/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="2315" href="<___base_url___>/profile/2315-wintergreenwolf/">@WinterGreenWolf</a>giving an biased one-sided view of this entire situation that quite frankly, was a smooth sailing relationship of which seemed to implode once the threats started to get slung around by your own tongue.

Zooville's policies are very well thought out, written and documented. They are enforced by zoos who are well known good zoos whom abhor sadism. There is often misunderstanding because of zoos like you whom knee jerk and don't read. As they say, the reason we are failing as a country is that people don't like to read, of which, you clearly did NOT read the monetization rules and regulations for ZV.

Since the topic has been brought up, I will extend myself to further add why monetizationwas allowed and is strictly controlled.

First off, If a zoo is producing bestial*ty videos, it does NOT matter where it is, someone WILL ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT HESITATION, STEAL IT AND SELL IT ANYWAY. This cannot be stopped, it cannot be avoided and it is inevitable. To believe otherwise is absolute idiocy and naivety.

So if someone WILL make money off it, why let those videos, which are all found to be non-abusivezoo videos by our moderators, be profited by outsiders whom didn't make the content? If the original zoo wishes to accept ONLY VOLUNTARY DONATIONS, (Not pay for play videos), then there is less harm in giving that wealth to them and their lovers whom they shared with the world.

Who are you to step up on a pedestal and declare they cannot do this? Are you also against perfectly clean content from onlyfans? Or should onlyfans STEAL their money and shaft the makers of such videos?

No WGW, you are way out of your depth and reality of the situation around zoophilia online. YOU have NOT thought it through, unless you become 100% anti-zoo p*rn, of which, you also lose one of the greatest assets to prove zoophilia is consentual, legitimate and clean as a sexual orientation.

You are a high and mighty, self righteous zealot. I get grilled more than any of my Mods by far, yet, always, I never let it phase my judgment. You get grilled alittle and you start with threats, thats weakness, you are GOING TO GET GRILLED. You should havethe fortitude to withstand such but sadly, that temp ban I gave for you to reconsider went upon deaf ears.

The Dumpster Fire exists and was created as a solution to the issue of forum free speech and moderation. It was done so to escape the errors of other forums previous, and it has proven to be extremely useful to truly gauge the zoo community. It certainly revealed yourself as who you really are. The DF was the best decision i've ever made in creating it.

As for the personals, hell, I've met alot of my zoo friends through the old BF personals. That truly is the strength of the actual real life zoo community, you know, zoos who actually know, help and hang out with each other. Not this fantasy world of online text on a screen. Its not perfect but a necessary evil.

The ZETA principles are only as good as the zoos whom you trust with them. Remember, those fetish seekers? They WILL make places like zoox18. They will make places like GayBeast. Instead of realizing the enormous fight ZooVille has every single day trying to promote those principles and TEACH them with an iron rod by moderation enforcement on the world. You again WGW, have no clue how BIG that fight really is. Only ZooVille is attempting to promote clean zoophilia content in a cesspool of the internet fetish seekers. Remember that hotshot.

Think very hard and real with what all the Mods on ZV are attempting to do, we are fighting the entire world. The Buck of the zoo world stops with me. The hard decisions land on my desk. When zoos who are busted andneed help, it lands on my desk. When trusted information about sad*sts is shared, im the first to get it. When a zoo are raided and need to tell someone they trust, they reach to zt.

These character accusations have no weight, because those who actually know me, know that I am fighting for zoos. No one is fighting harder for zoos than I am.

WGW, i wishyou the best with your podcast. However, i don't expect much trust now with the record you left on ZV for all to see.


Nature's Best Friend
Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (43)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (44)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (45)Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (46)

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09-05-2022, 03:30 PM

You make poor defenses ZT, and I'm going to make sure people KNOW said poor defenses, like I said: shame on you. Also high and mighty of you to proclaim 'no one is fighting for Zoos harder than me'.

Yeah, after what I've seen on your site, and some other elder Zoo friends of mine, we aren't buying. You're literally just creating a second BF, including the problems. You must take me stupid if you think I've not been keeping tabs on the goings on around ZV.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

Zooville's policies are very well thought out, written and documented. They are enforced by zoos who are well known good zoos whom abhor sadism. There is often misunderstanding because of zoos like you whom knee jerk and don't read. As they say, the reason we are failing as a country is that people don't like to read, of which, you clearly did NOT read the monetization rules and regulations for ZV.

Good by who's standards ZT? Yours? What account are you lot holding people to? Because I see ZERO accountability in the community, from Fausty's days right on up.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

Since the topic has been brought up, I will extend myself to further add why monetizationwas allowed and is strictly controlled.

Your 'defense' of proxy-selling beast p*rn really doesn't matter to me ZT. Especially when you just outright f*cking encourage people to sell themselves and their non humans for a buck. Oh and let's not forget to just generate ad revenue and traffic for your BF clone.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

First off, If a zoo is producing bestial*ty videos, it does NOT matter where it is, someone WILL ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT HESITATION, STEAL IT AND SELL IT ANYWAY. This cannot be stopped, it cannot be avoided and it is inevitable. To believe otherwise is absolute idiocy and naivety.

Why don't you discourage these kinds of public flaunting practices then ZT? Oh and FYI: I know a lot of your mods and staff are the same TERRIBLE people from BF, so let's not circle-jerk each other here.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

So if someone WILL make money off it, why let those videos, which are all found to be non-abusivezoo videos by our moderators, be profited by outsiders whom didn't make the content? If the original zoo wishes to accept ONLY VOLUNTARY DONATIONS, (Not pay for play videos), then there is less harm in giving that wealth to them and their lovers whom they shared with the world.

Oh YES, by YOUR mods ZT, right? And why let those JUICY views go to waste, RIGHT?

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

Who are you to step up on a pedestal and declare they cannot do this? Are you also against perfectly clean content from onlyfans? Or should onlyfans STEAL their money and shaft the makers of such videos?

You really don't know how supply, demand, and rarity works, or care how it works do you? I want to encourage people to make the right choices ZT, NOT the profitable one.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

No WGW, you are way out of your depth and reality of the situation around zoophilia online. YOU have NOT thought it through, unless you become 100% anti-zoo p*rn, of which, you also lose one of the greatest assets to prove zoophilia is consentual, legitimate and clean as a sexual orientation.

I'm perfect in my depth on this one ZT, I know the 'situation' of 'Zoophilia online', that's why I want to encourage change away from people like you and the rest of the 'phoenix of BF'. Also, FYI, I am against rampant, profiting bestial*ty ZT, it's not 'Zoo p*rn', it's bestial*ty: get it right.

Our partners aren't an asset, you don't use p*rn to say 'Look, they enjoy it! SEE, SEE'? Are you that daft?

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

You are a high and mighty, self righteous zealot. I get grilled more than any of my Mods by far, yet, always, I never let it phase my judgment. You get grilled alittle and you start with threats, thats weakness, you are GOING TO GET GRILLED. You should havethe fortitude to withstand such but sadly, that temp ban I gave for you to reconsider went upon deaf ears.

Shows how little you know about me ZT. I don't take assholes passively, I'm the same way RL too buddy. Maybe if more people had a pair, we wouldn't be in the position we are now.

Maybe, just maybe we wouldn't be dealing with Mutually Assured Destruction and blackmail, you know: how Fausty let dogdude go TWICE after finding out he was a rampant sad*st in the PNW area?

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

The Dumpster Fire exists and was created as a solution to the issue of forum free speech and moderation. It was done so to escape the errors of other forums previous, and it has proven to be extremely useful to truly gauge the zoo community. It certainly revealed yourself as who you really are. The DF was the best decision i've ever made in creating it.

Or, you know, you could encourage some air of civility ad not allow poor behavior to fester like a gangrenous wound? Did you think of that? If people want to flip their tops for a while they can find somewhere else to do it. I don't permit that kind of behavior in ANY of my Zoo Spaces ZT, and I've yet to have a serious issue. I have a clean constitution that EVERYONE is at least expected to bide by loosely.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

As for the personals, hell, I've met alot of my zoo friends through the old BF personals. That truly is the strength of the actual real life zoo community, you know, zoos who actually know, help and hang out with each other. Not this fantasy world of online text on a screen. Its not perfect but a necessary evil.

Proving my point that you're deluded here. 90% of the posts were 'meet and f*cks' ZT. If you need this low of a level to 'make friends' you need to re-evaluate your own position in life.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

he ZETA principles are only as good as the zoos whom you trust with them. Remember, those fetish seekers? They WILL make places like zoox18. They will make places like GayBeast. Instead of realizing the enormous fight ZooVille has every single day trying to promote those principles and TEACH them with an iron rod by moderation enforcement on the world. You again WGW, have no clue how BIG that fight really is. Only ZooVille is attempting to promote clean zoophilia content in a cesspool of the internet fetish seekers. Remember that hotshot.

Except there's no fight ZT, you openly promote EXACTLY what the principals stand against. To the last letter, you go directly against them. You do not teach, you do not strike down, you do not hold account, what you do is enable.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

Think very hard and real with what all the Mods on ZV are attempting to do, we are fighting the entire world. The Buck of the zoo world stops with me. The hard decisions land on my desk. When zoos who are busted andneed help, it lands on my desk. When trusted information about sad*sts is shared, im the first to get it. When a zoo are raided and need to tell someone they trust, they reach to zt.

No ZT, it does not, because you are no Zoo God, you are no better than the rest of us. You are NOTHING MORE than the rest of us. But I will say this: you are a hypocrite and a coward. I've already also thought things through ZT, FAR harder and longer than you can imagine.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

These character accusations have no weight, because those who actually know me, know that I am fighting for zoos. No one is fighting harder for zoos than I am.

They aren't 'assassinations' if many of them are TRUE ZT. You are again, playing the God card and trying to be some Zeta Prophet. Shrink your head bud, it will take you further to learn some humility.

14 hours ago, ZTHorse said:

WGW, i wishyou the best with your podcast. However, i don't expect much trust now with the record you left on ZV for all to see.

See, you think your precious site is the 'Center of the Zooverse'. News flash, it isn't. It's a money bag for you, your mods, and your 'clients' sure, but it's not the center of the Zoo Community.

This forums' mere existence proves that, as do my own Zoo spaces, my relations to the older folks in the community.... also, it's funny, I've been here for quite some time, and I like to think the members of this forum have at least some basic trust in me. Same with most Zoos who have met and talked to me, some of them in real life.

Why do you think that is? Could it be that I don't present myself as a lunatic and actually try to respect when it's given? Could it also be that I'd rather people think logically instead of blind zealous following?

Say, just so I don't give the mods problems here, if you really AREN'T a coward, contact me on my messengers below. We can have this out one on one, and yes, I WILL still be making that video, and no, you aren't going to like it.

Discord: Winter Green#2558

Telegram: @WinterGreenWolf

- To the mods, feel free to lock, or even delete this thread. I'd rather not see it gone, but if it needs to be, it needs to be. I won't be replying to Floofy OR ZT here, if ZT has more bones to pick, be can use my contact details above.


Involvement with ZooVille. A retrospective and problems (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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